Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Things about me II

The first list I made was in 2006. Here's some more (another triple chai=54):

55. I started running in the parks near me. It feels good.
56. I have never used a vibrator.
57. I have thought about it and would buy it in cash.
58. I am completely heterosexual, but am curious about lesbians. I wonder what it would feel like.
59. I wish I could [redacted]
60. I wonder if I'll ever have as good sex as I did back in '03.
61. I am generous.
62. I have a niece who is beautiful and innocent and oh-so-lucky.
63. I am almost 30 and still live with roommates.
64. My best friend is so talented. I aspire to be like her.
65. I discovered that I have family in Israel. This is HUGE. They are wonderful.
66. I really danced with a guy for the first time in years this weekend. He is super-cute, but kind of a shmucky personality. He was hitting on me. I would sleep with him if he weren't in my community. That would be fun. Especially drunk.
67. Sometimes I am too self-deprecating to people who I am not close to.
68. I like to plan parties for my friends. I want to plan another one after I secure a job.
69. It can be really hot in the right position with the right guy!
70. I buy party dresses and only wear them once.
71. I have a fabulous little black dress that I recently wore to a wedding. It's a must-have in every girl's wardrobe.
72. I painted my bedroom.
73. I am addicted to Facebook. It is very VERY bad.
74. I wish I could rewind to 2002.
75. I wish I had gone for a graduate degree.
76. I wish I had married my only love and moved to Israel.
77. I wish I weren't so wistful.
78. I have a ton of friends - 582 on FB, to be exact - but not many close ones.
79. I want to be more involved in philanthropic causes. I need to make this happen.
80. I love lightning.
81. I love swimming under waterfalls. Everything else is forgotten.
82. A cutie (with a gf) asked if I wanted a threesome this summer. It's the second time someone has ever asked me. He was joking, but there was some seriousness to it, methinks.
83. I wonder what I would do with a million dollars. I wouldn't know where to start.
84. I like being on top.
85. I would love to collect quality art. Someday.
86. I am scared to have children.
87. I am presumptuous to even write the above.
88. I can't believe that men and women 6 years younger than I are post-college professionals who are my contemporaries. And are often more successful than me.
89. I would like to be more spiritual and get more out of religion.
90. I do not respect my father.
91. I fear that my brother will be like him.
92. I admire my sister. She is strong and capable and independent - and she wasn't always.
93. I love scrapbooking.
94. I am very competitive.
95. I am a chocoholic. I need to find satisfying alternatives before I blow up into a balloon.
96. I can't afford therapy.
97. I can't afford anything actually.
98. I love a spiritual havdallah with singing and dancing.
99. I discovered that I can still dive.
100. I would love to lose 20 pounds.
101. I want to wear a bikini next summer. And be comfortable in it.
102. I wish I had direction.
103. I love it when my nails grow long.
104. I am ready for a change.
105. I would like to play the field more.
106. I would like to read more.
107. I would like to run more.
108. I would like to have a sneak preview of the future. Just to give me hope.

1 comment:

Equis said...

LMAO @ #58! And #63 what's with the stigma of having roommates after 21? Shit if you live in NYC isn't it mandatory? Sometimes I wished I lived alone but mostly I'm glad I have someone to watch TV with.