Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Trip Down Memory Lane

After our first year at college, my childhood best friend made me a small scrapbook with all sorts of cute cutouts of words & pictures, stickers, glitter and very sweet accompanying text. Reading it, I got nostalgic. It also made me feel good about myself because of the kind (and true?) things she wrote. Here are some excerpts:

The point is that we may not remember everything we say, but when I get off the phone, I always feel better because there is someone else in this universe that feels as passionately about certain issues as I do...

...The fact of the matter is that you have helped me survive the sunny and rainy days alike. I've always been able to turn to & rely upon you for advice & support.

I just want you to know how much I have always admired you as a person... I admire your independent spirit & your ability to be both a born leader & a challenger. You've got an Imagination. Guts. Brains. And a Soul. More than anything else though, I respect the way you respect your religion, your family, yourself & most of all, your friends... I truly appreciate all of this & your creative genius that has helped me to revert to childish behavior frequently but that has also helped me to quite simply enjoy life a little bit more than usual... No doubt we absolutely have very long, long roads ahead of us...

Unfortunately, those long roads came to an end six or so years ago when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I didn't lash out at her or get crazy irritable or anything like that. I simply told her about my diagnosis, assuming she'd be as supportive as she had always been. Instead, she didn't really take me seriously and said, "Oh, well we all have our ups and downs," and pretty much doubted that I had anything more serious and challenging than anyone else. Though I tried to explain my situation to her, she refused to be understanding. Totally crushed me. I ended our friendship right then and there. It's sad actually, but I suppose I still have some good memories...

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